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Tenn. Meth Task Force seeks funding

By Matt Wilson
The Chattanooga Times-Free Press

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — As the number of meth labs seized decreases, the Tennessee Methamphetamine Task Force is seeking ways to stop the importation of the drug into the state from other countries.

That’s why Tommy Farmer, the task force director, and U.S. Attorney Russ Dedrick came to the Hamilton County Commission on Thursday to request $260,000 in grant funding for traffic stop training.

“People from Mexico are bringing in large quantities of methamphetamine,” Mr. Dedrick said. “This is being transported across our interstates and our highways into our districts.”

Mr. Dedrick and Mr. Farmer asked for approval of the funding for “interdiction plus” training to teach local and state law enforcement officials how to search vehicles and interrogate suspects. The training is performed by retired highway patrol troopers, Mr. Dedrick said.

Mr. Farmer said the training program would provide “the same sheet music” for all the officers in the state in how to search the cars of suspected drug traffickers. He said a training session for 100 officers is scheduled for next week in Jackson, Tenn.

Commissioner Warren Mackey asked if the crackdown on methamphetamine just might attract people dealing in different drugs.

Mr. Farmer said other drugs do come in, but this training will help catch those who import those drugs, as well.

Commissioner Fred Skillern recommended the appropriation for approval.

“Some of this money has already been spent, the majority of it, in training,” Mr. Skillern said.

The commission will vote on the funding next week.

The money comes from the federal grant that funds the Hamilton County-based Tennessee Meth Task Force. That money is administered by Hamilton County.

Commissioner John Allen Brooks asked if the funding and operations soon would be taken over by the state of Tennessee.

Mr. Dedrick said the county’s obligation will end at the end of the federal grant year June 30 and then transfer to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

The TBI recently took over at the task force’s granting authority.


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