By Police1 Staff
GENEVA, Ohio — Police and prosecutors in Ohio are growing frustrated with a new trend: exploding targets.
People are mixing two inert compounds, which can be found and sold legally at any gun supply or sporting goods store, to create loud explosives triggered by a gunshot.
Some prosecutors believe that once the two compounds are mixed, it has become an explosive device, making it against state law without a permit, according to WKYC.
Brimfield Police Chief David Oliver says the blasts cause 911 switchboards to light up, and are wasting time and safety resources when police and fire are forced to respond.
“The people immediately standing there will do a lot of ‘ooing and awwing.’ But the 80-year old couple around the corner may have a different feeling on it. They may be thinking something drastic is happening,” Oliver said.
Some prosecutors and police are asking lawmakers to outlaw the exploding targets – something California and Maryland have already done.