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Cop with terminal cancer puts trust in God

By T.J. Pignataro
The Buffalo News

God’s got a plan for Buffalo Police Officer Derrick “DJ” Ferrell.

The details and timeline in His blueprint aren’t yet known, but they exist, says Ferrell, a 10-year decorated veteran officer diagnosed earlier this year with the most serious stage of pancreatic cancer.

Ferrell, 39, and three other officers last spring successfully resuscitated toddler Izaiah White on Elmwood Avenue.

Just after Christmas, he thought he might have a problem because he couldn’t eat without feeling full, leading him into his doctor’s office.

A few tests later, Ferrell was told by doctors he was in terminal Stage IV of the deadly disease with likely only 3 to 6 months to live.

News like that would shake most to the core and into an abyss of bitterness and self-pity, many of his fellow officers admit. But the soft-spoken Ferrell, whose steadfast faith seems to radiate a glow of saintly humility and goodness, sees things in a different way.

“He’s calling me to go through this for a reason,” said Ferrell, who attended a recent benefit in his honor in North Buffalo. “I’m just trusting God to use me for his glory.”

Ferrell, who is married and has two young daughters, is undergoing chemotherapy every couple weeks at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. He remains upbeat and positive despite his prognosis. Family members continue to pray for a miracle.

“There’s a reason for everything, and we don’t know why,” said Melody Ferrell, Ferrell’s younger sister who was among the 700 people who attended the benefit. Others included officers, friends and family.

“I’m extremely overwhelmed by the love and affection,” said Ferrell, who is a deacon at Word of Life Ministries in Niagara Falls. “It’s tremendous. It’s the kind of thing that keeps me fighting every day.”

Proceeds from the benefit will go to Ferrell’s wife, Nakita, and daughters, Hailey, 5, and Noelle who will be 1 next week. Anyone wishing to donate can do so with the Buffalo Police Federal Credit Union in care of Derrick Ferrell. The number is (716) 851-4490.

Northwest District Officer Cheryl Slomka, who is in Ferrell’s platoon and helped organize the benefit, said news of his illness was “such a shock for everyone.”

“DJ’s a complete gentleman,” Slomka said. “If you wanted the perfect police officer, you’d want him. He’d do anything for you.”

Another platoon member, Thomas Cino, said Ferrell is “deeply rooted in family, faith and God” and “one of the most humble people” he knows.

“He doesn’t drink. He doesn’t smoke. He doesn’t swear. When he has to, he spells out swear words,” Cino said. “His spiritualness and faith is so deep and so awesome. He totally believes he’s going to make it and fight it.”

Officer Robert Yeates, another Northwest District colleague, said fellow officers were only doing for Ferrell what they know he’d do for them.

“He’s loyal not only to his family but to his friends and fellow officers,” Yeates said. “We’re all blue. There’s no black or white or brown here. We’re all in this together. We’re all one big family. Everybody pulls together at a time like this. We support each other.”

The boy who grew up wanting to become a movie producer only to go into law enforcement has been a lifelong person of faith, according to his mother, Flossie Ferrell.

Once as a child, his mother remembered, Ferrell begged to stay home by himself when the rest of his family went out and had a compelling argument at the ready. “He said, ‘I won’t be here by myself, God will be with me,’ ” said Mrs. Ferrell.

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