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Report: Ind. officers justified in fatal police shooting

By Rebecca Neal
The Indianapolis Star

Johnson County Prosecutor Lance Hamner released a report today concluding that two Greenwood police officers were justified when they fatally shot an 18-year-old in February.

Kyle J. Collins was a passenger in a car pulled over by Greenwood Police Officer Eric McElhaney on suspicion of speeding at 10:44 p.m. Feb 21, in the McDonald’s parking lot at County Line Road and Madison Avenue. Minutes later, Collins shot McElhaney and a second officer, Jay Arnold, before he was fatally wounded by the officers.

Hamner’s report states that after the driver of the vehicle, Michael Hatchett, was arrested on a charge of driving without a license and an outstanding warrant, Arnold patted Collins down. The officer removed a set of brass knuckles but missed locating a 9mm handgun on Collins’ person, the report said.

Collins struggled while being placed under arrest, and McElhaney tried to pin him to the ground, the report states. McElhaney called for a Taser to help restrain and control Collins, who then drew his firearm and began firing on the officers, the report says.

The report details the multiple injuries inflicted on the officers. McElhaney suffered bullet wounds to the leg, buttock and abdomen. One bullet traveled down his leg before exiting, while other bullets entered his abdomen just below his ballistic vest. One bullet was removed during surgery, while one still remains in his chest, the report states.

Arnold suffered a grazing wound to his right thigh. Greenwood Police Chief Joe Pitcher said both have returned to work, though McElhaney is on light duty. He said he has not read the report and could not comment on it.

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