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Ariz. Police: TASER, bleeding followed indecent exposure

By Rozanna M. Martinez
Albuquerque Journal

The use of a Taser, bloodshed and the breaking of store merchandise occurred earlier this week when Albuquerque police arrested a Rio Rancho man accused of indecent exposure.

A 4-year-old girl walking by Highland Baptist Church in the 5000 block of Zuni SE in Albuquerque on Monday afternoon noticed a man doing something odd and asked her mother “Mommy, what is he doing?” according to a criminal complaint filed in Metropolitan Court. The girl’s mother quickly threw a cover over her daughter, told her not to look, and called police.

The man, later identified as Alphonse Brodeur, 44, was masturbating while on an outside stairway in plain view of the church’s parking area, the complaint states.

Brodeur eventually made his way to a nearby Big Lots store. Police tried to arrest him, but he resisted by rolling around and trying to get his hands free. Police used a Taser on Brodeur three times after he continued to resist arrest and fight with police, according to the complaint.

Police were eventually able to get Brodeur into handcuffs and noticed that he was bleeding from his forehead and that items in the store had been damaged during the scuffle.

Brodeur admitted to being naked on the church stairway and said he got “hot” and took down his pants and wanted to get a tan. Brodeur insisted that he was not masturbating, the complaint states.

Brodeur was charged with aggravated indecent exposure and taken to the Metropolitan Detention Center. He posted a $5,000 surety bond on Wednesday, according to jail records.

Brodeur said he took down his pants because he wanted a tan.

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