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Family first: Spending quality time with your loved ones

Whether you change jobs, transfer units, or retire, the one constant in your life will be your family

By Matthew Loux, American Military University
In Public Safety

One thing I have learned throughout my years in law enforcement is that, whatever change you go through on the job—whether you change jobs, transfer units, or retire—the one constant in your life will be your family. Successfully weathering change is best done with strong family support. However, building and maintaining these important family bonds require constant attention and nurturing—spend as much time as possible with your family and never take them for granted!

A few years ago, I did some calculations and found that I spent a minimum of 60 hours a week at work when I summed working hours and commuting time. By the time I got home and ate dinner with my wife and kids, I only spent about 10 weekday hours with my children and maybe about five additional hours with my wife. This realization spurred me to make a change and figure out how to spend more quality time with my family.

Here are a few ways I learned to improve my family relationships:

Focus on Communicating at Home
As law enforcement officers, we are trained to communicate on traffic stops, during interviews and hostage negotiations, and through writing reports. Don’t forget that it is vitally important to communicate with your family as well. Communication with your family members must be open and a two-way street.

Full Story: Family First: Spending Quality Time With Your Loved Ones

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