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NY cop’s roadside death spurs plea to drivers

Trooper Kevin Dobson was fatally struck by a vehicle just three months after New York passed the “Move Over Act” on Jan 1st


Duty Death: Trooper Kevin P. Dobson - [New York State Police]


BUFFALO, NY — The family of a New York state trooper killed by a pickup while issuing a speeding ticket in Buffalo is urging drivers to respect a new “move over” law.

WKBW-TV reported the appeal Sunday, a day after Trooper Kevin Dobson died.

Dobson, 43, died in Kenmore Mercy Hospital at 8:10 a.m. Saturday, about 40 minutes after the accident, The Buffalo News reported. He was conducting a vehicle stop on the Youngmann Highway.

The pickup’s driver, identified only as a 71-year-old man, stopped and immediately returned to the scene.

“I can tell you he’s been cooperative,” Deputy State Police Superintendent Thomas Fazio said. “There is no arrest. Everything is under investigation at this point.”

New York’s “Move Over Act,” which became law Jan. 1, requires drivers to change lanes and slow down, whenever possible, when they see any emergency vehicle at the side of a road.

State Police in western New York already have issued more than 70 tickets under it.

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