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Traffic Enforcement, Highway Patrol

The Traffic Enforcement / Highway Patrol topic area serves as a resource for the latest developments in traffic enforcement tactics and techniques.

The award winners will be recognized during Police Weekend, showcasing efforts from traffic safety to comprehensive wellness initiatives
It’s helping identify both lapsed drivers and dangerous criminals
Use these tips if you suspect a semi-tractor and trailer is being used to move drugs and other contraband
The Florida Highway Patrol intends to increase the number of officers trained as drug recognition expert if the state’s Amendment 3 passes
After pulling over the driver in the carpool lane, officers found a lifeless entity seated beside them, CHP - San Jose said in a Facebook post
During the incident, the driver allegedly called 911 to threaten Utah troopers who were pursuing him
The National Distracted Driving Coalition encourages drivers to activate phone settings that block notifications while driving to reduce crashes caused by distraction
“The officer acted in full compliance with department protocols and state regulations,” the Providence Police Department stated
The suspect fled erratically until his vehicle was brought to a stop by a PIT maneuver; he fled on foot, but was quickly apprehended by Texas DPS officers
“It’s clear that AVs will soon be commonplace, and California needs to ensure safety for all on our streets,” the bill’s sponsor stated
The bill, aimed at reducing traffic deaths, would have mandated that vehicles beep at drivers when they exceed the speed limit by at least 10 mph
“We’re coming for you...don’t think we’re going to lay down and allow this to happen in our city,” Deputy Police Commissioner Francis Healy said
“If you don’t see someone in a giant chicken costume, then we really have a problem,” SFPD Lt. Ozol said
The extra law enforcement presence is intended to aid in traffic enforcement, according to Gov. Mike DeWine
The training will help deputies make informed decisions on drug-impaired driving by observing behaviors and symptoms of impaired drivers
With Jenoptik’s new office in Prince George’s County, they continue to further establish their presence in the county and the greater Northeast region as well as bring more jobs to the community
How long does it take a tortoise cross the road? It’s still a mystery, after an Arizona Department of Public Safety trooper returned him to a nearby ranch
“It is still illegal to drive impaired, no matter what people believe the law is now with marijuana,” said Montgomery County Sheriff Rob Streck
“Obviously the higher courts are going to have to tell us who is right...” Navajo President Buu Nygren said. “But in the meantime, you’re in the boundaries of the Navajo Nation”
Understanding the behavior and ideology of sovereign citizens is crucial for ensuring the safety of law enforcement officers, especially during traffic stops
DoorDash said it has created a dedicated point of contact for the Boston PD to make it easier to process requests for drivers’ records
A parolee asked the trial court to suppress the evidence, arguing the search of his phone and house violated his Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights
Based on the “totality of the circumstances,” the officer had reasonable suspicion to extend the traffic stop in a drug courier case
Download this Police1 electronic citations equipment buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
Identifying uninsured vehicles without direct interaction can eliminate negative associations with law enforcement
Exploring the future of traffic safety with John Leibovitz of Passage Safety
Finding a happy medium isn’t going to be easy
A Fullerton Police Department officer was outside his cruiser investigating a fatal crash when a Tesla slammed into his patrol vehicle, narrowly missing the officer
Download this Police1 traffic enforcement products buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation