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Texas reserve officer struck, killed by drunk driving suspect

Jeffrey Richardson, 35, was directing traffic on a contract job when he was hit

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Duty Death: Jeffrey Richardson - [Poteet]

End of Service: 29/06/2022

By Suzie Ziegler

POTEET, Texas — A Texas police department is mourning a reserve officer who was killed in the line of duty last week.

Reserve Officer Jeffrey Richardson was struck and killed by a drunk driving suspect on June 29, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page. Richardson was working a contract job directing traffic at a construction zone in Austin when he was hit, KSAT reported.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Richardson family,” the Poteet Police Department wrote on Facebook. “We offer our sincerest condolence for this monumental loss.

Richardson, 35, is survived by his wife and five children, the report said.

The drunk driving suspect was identified as Lindsay Smith, 26. Smith stayed at the scene and was arrested on intoxication assault charges, according to KSAT.