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7 assumptions it’s safe for every officer to make

“Never assume anything!” People use that quote — almost daily, it seems — for many reasons, and it’s probably a true statement most of the time.

I would like to say to my brothers and sisters in law enforcement that there are several assumptions you should always have in mind.

1. Assume we are at war.
2. Assume that you will be challenged or attacked on every call you go on.
3. Assume that your equipment is not ready to perform. That will cause you to check it.
4. Assume you are being watched when parked doing paper work or on your phone or computer.
5. Assume you’re alone, because who will help you if backup is not readily available.
6. Assume you have to be prepared to go hands on and fight for your life.
7. Assume that you may be tracked leaving HQ or even on way home.

I want you to start your tour day and end your day being prepared.

Now, if you also assume this post preaches paranoia, I would like to point out that there is a fine line separating paranoia and complacency. You need to walk the line as a tactical fighter.

If you go through the day like bad things only happen to others, well guess what? To everyone else you are the other guy.

Stay sharp, stay focused, stay cautious, and keep your tactical mindset in condition yellow. Act accordingly.

Be well my friends. I’ll assume you will take this tip with enthusiasm as we go into 2015.