In my career I’ve seen, heard, and been part of an officer or officers missing a weapon or contraband because of a poorly performed search. When we do a frisk or pat down in the field it is easy to miss a weapon or contraband because of the speed to get subject cuffed and away from area.
Once we get to HQ it is imperative that a complete systematic search be conducted. While the subject is still cuffed start at the head one side at a time and check all the way down to the shoe. Now the opposite side head to shoe.
Take that hat off, check the band inside and out. Check the shirt collar, neck chains, pockets, sleeve cuffs, watch pocket, look for zippers and hidden pockets on cargo type pants. Waist band, buckle on belt (knife).
Once you do that whether you find something or not do it again. If you have a partner let them do a search also. I would rather miss it and have my partner find it then have to apologize because someone was hurt by my mistake.
I used to routinely check the back seat of the cruiser before every tour. I found things in my 30-year career from hat pins to a hand gun and knives, razor blade, drugs that were dropped by someone’s perp.
I always checked the cruiser after my prisoner was secured at HQ. I learned from my mistake when an officer who relieved me found marijuana in the back seat and I had no explanation for how it got there.
Never wanted to experience that again.
LE is not rocket science. It’s all trial error and common sense. Don’t let yourself or another officer be injured or worse because you failed to conduct a good search.
Be safe, be smart, be tactical.