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Police: Injured Kan. officer run over by stolen car ‘breathing on his own’

Officer Brian Arterburn was run over by a stolen and fleeing SUV on Feb. 7


Officer Brian Arterburn

Photo/Wichita Police Department

By Amy Renee Leiker
The Wichita Eagle

WICHITA, Kan. — Wichita police Officer Brian Arterburn, who was run over by a stolen and fleeing SUV on Feb. 7, remains hospitalized in critical condition but is now breathing on his own.

“He is still critical but is starting to improve. He had surgery yesterday on some of his injuries and that went well,” Sgt. Nikki Woodrow, a spokeswoman for the police department, said during Friday’s regular news briefing with reporters.

“He is breathing on his own and is continuing to fight. Each day he improves a little bit more, so the Wichita Police Department and his family want to thank all of you for your continued thoughts, prayers and support.”

Arterburn, a first-shift beat officer assigned to the department’s Patrol South bureau, suffered injuries to his brain, chest and abdomen when he was run over at Topeka and Kincaid while using a tire deflation device. He is a 25-year veteran of the force.

Justin Terrazas, 31, is charged with aggravated battery against a law enforcement officer and other crimes in connection with the case.


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