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N.C. officer fatally shot

News14 Carolina
By Adrianne Flores

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- A Winston-Salem police sergeant died late Friday from gunshot injuries sustained during a shooting on Jonestown Road.

Sgt. Howard J. Plouff was shot while trying to help other officers break up fights that spilled into the street outside of the Red Rooster Lounge on Jonestown Road around 2 a.m.

“It was several fights in the club and then it led outside and all I know is I heard gunshots,” said Shawn Rhoden, a witness who was at the Red Rooster.

It was supposed to be a chance to take a break from their studies. Instead, hundreds of students from Winston-Salem State University who were hanging out at the Red Rooster found themselves dodging bullets.

“We heard gunshots, so we hit the floor; I hit the floor,” said Rhoden.

Witnesses say several groups inside the club began fighting. That’s when Forsyth County deputies who were there working as off-duty security officers called Winston-Salem police for backup.

“Our officers responded to that request for assistance. Upon their arrival, there was a large crowd outside. Shots were fired from within that crowd,” said Lt. Brad Yandell, of the Winston-Salem Police Department.

At least one of those bullets hit Plouff, a 17-year veteran of the force... Full Story