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S.C. police shoot woman armed with knife

The Associated Press

GREENVILLE, S.C. — A woman who was shot and killed by a Greenville police officer was armed with knife and refused to remove her hand from behind her back, according to a police report.

Cpl. Russell Irvin encountered Sabrina Parker when he arrived to investigate a break-in, according to Irvin’s report on the incident obtained Tuesday by The Greenville News.

The report goes into great detail on what happened between Parker and Irvin before the Friday shooting, but contains no details about what happened after Irvin tried to put Parker into handcuffs beyond “a confrontation ensued.”

Parker and the woman who complained her television and computer were stolen were arguing when the officer arrived, police said.

Irvin asked Parker if he could speak to her inside her apartment and she agreed, but told him she did not think he had enough reason to search the home, according to the report.

But after Parker lied about whether anyone else was in the apartment and about her age, Irvin wrote he decided to search for his own safety. He left Parker alone in the kitchen as he looked around, finding what appeared to be the stolen TV and computer in a closet, according to the report.

Parker said she found the items while working with a city garbage crew, police said.

Irvin wrote in his report that he then noticed Parker’s hand was behind her back and decided to put her in handcuffs.

The coroner’s office said Parker was shot in the chest.

Irvin has been placed on administrative leave as the State Law Enforcement Division investigates.