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Critical assistance when developing new grant initiative

If your strategic plan has identified a need to develop new approaches in crime prevention, data collection and analysis, accurate assessment of crime problems and implementation of new policing strategies, a call to the National Training and Technical Assistance Center, should be considered. These resources can assist the department to assess, plan and address policing issues in the areas of adjudication, corrections, counter-terrorism, crime prevention, justice information sharing, law enforcement, mental health, substance abuse, tribal justice and capacity building. Reaching out to this resource can help strengthen not only your policing strategies but you capacity to garner grant funding

The services include the following:

Adjudication: BJA NTTAC provides resources, tools, and other support to help prosecutors, judges, and court personnel develop new approaches to adjudicate offenders, to not only clear cases and decrease dockets, but also to lower recidivism.

Corrections: BJA NTTAC supports efforts to supervise offenders and prepare them to return to their communities in order to protect public safety

Counter-terrorism: TTA topics include cyber-terrorism and computer technology, environmental protection, and victim assistance.

Crime Prevention: BJA NTTAC supports law enforcement and other community agencies in their efforts to incorporate organized processes for reducing or removing opportunities to commit crime through data collection and analysis, accurate identification of problems, development of crime control objectives and strategies, and implementation of strategies developed

Through NTTAC, BJA offers new TTA resources in Crime Analysis on Demand for law enforcement agencies to enhance their capabilities to analyze and use data to make informed decisions, respond effectively, and prevent crime.

Justice Information Sharing: BJA’s Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) supports national policy, practices, and technology solutions to improve information sharing capacity within the criminal justice community, while emphasizing the importance of privacy and civil liberty protections and improving safety in our communities.

Law enforcement: BJA NTTAC provides law enforcement agencies with an array of tools, resources, training, and support required to meet the needs of their communities. NTTAC supports training on collaborative problem-solving and facilitating community engagements, while also providing a framework for collaborative problem-solving with police agencies, other local service providers, and communities

Mental Health: BJA NTTAC supports programs to increase public safety through innovative cross-system collaboration for individuals with mental illness or concurrent mental health and substance abuse disorders who come into contact with the criminal justice system

Substance Abuse: BJA NTTAC supports efforts to plan, implement, and enhance cost-efficient strategies to address crime related to alcohol and substance abuse, including identifying, apprehending, and prosecuting individuals who illegally transport, distribute, and use alcohol or controlled substances

Capacity Building: BJA supports building the capacity of criminal justice practitioners to effectively execute criminal justice initiatives. Capacity-building is an ongoing process through which organizations enhance their ability to identify and meet development challenges

Each of the above topics are covered extensively at the website.

Whether you are creating your first strategic plan, updating a current plan or considering a grant application these resources can provide you the technical assistance needed to strengthen your plan or develop a new initiative. To submit a request just click the Create Account section at TTA Request Form

Best wishes with your grant endeavors

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