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Ohio officers appear in White House Christmas address

The seven LEOs were honored with a Medal of Honor in September for their response to an August mass shooting


(Left to right) Sgt. Chad Knight and officers David Denlinger, Vincent Carter, Jeremy Campbell and Ryan Nabel, as well as officers Brian Rolfes and Jason Berger (not pictured) received the Medal of Valor from President Donald Trump.

Photo/White House

Dayton Daily News

WASHINGTON — Dayton police officers who responded to the Oregon District shooting were included in the White House Christmas message shared by first lady Melania Trump and the president Wednesday morning.

“Americans across the land are grateful to all the men and women in uniform who keep us safe—our military, our police, and everyone in law enforcement,” said Melania in the minute-long video posted on Twitter.

As Melania speaks, video showing the time Dayton police officers who responded to the Oregon District shooting visited the White House plays.

President Donald Trump presented the six officers with the Medal of Valor at the White House in September.

The first lady posted the message on her Twitter page and the president shared it shortly thereafter.

The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor is the highest decoration for bravery exhibited by public safety officers in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Nine people were killed and 27 more were injured during the shooting that occurred just after 1 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 4. The six Dayton officers engaged and killed the shooter in less than 30 seconds, preventing what could have been many more deaths, officials said.

The six officers are Sgt. William C. Knight and officers Brian Rolfes, Vincent Carter, Ryan Nabel and David Denlinger.

It is not known which officer shot and killed the suspected shooter, Connor Betts, 24 of Bellbrook. Betts was wearing a mask, bullet-proof vest and hearing protection — and carried a semi-automatic pistol modified with a long barrel and an extended-capacity drum magazine, capable of holding up to 100 rounds.

Police who regularly patrol the Oregon District on weekends, were nearby when the shooting began. Within 20 seconds, officers were firing on the shooter who was moving quickly down the sidewalk, shooting at people in front of Ned Peppers Bar. Betts’ gun appeared drawn as he turned toward the bar’s doorway, but fell to the ground and rolled to his back just outside after being shot by police.

The nine victims included Lois Oglesby, 27, Megan Betts, 22, Nicholas Cummer, 25, Thomas McNichols, 25, Monica Brickhouse, 39, Derek Fudge, 57, Logan Turner, 30, Saeed Saleh, 38 and Beatrice Warren Curtis, 36.

City of Dayton officials were not able to share any additional information about the officers’ visit to the White House.

“I don’t have any information to share and cannot confirm,” said Toni Bankston, spokesperson for the City of Dayton.