This week’s photo was submitted by Officer Jason St. Onge of the Thomaston Police Department in Connecticut. St. Onge writes:
“I organize and run the annual ‘Stuff A Cruiser’ toy drive for toys to be distributed to local less fortunate families. During this year’s toy drive on November 17th, this photo was taken of myself and a young man. I was told he wanted to meet a real policeman. He approached me with his toy police, ambulance, and fire truck package, which he was very excited to gift to the toy drive. After talking to him for a few moments, I issued him his own junior police badge. He made my day, and I’m sure I made his.”
Calling all police photographers! Police1 needs pictures of you in action or training. Submit a photo — it could be selected as our Photo of the Week! Be sure to include your name, department information and address (including city, state and ZIP code) where we can reach you — Photo of the Week winners have a chance to win a T-shirt!