For Immediate Release
In a new era of specialized need Damascus has instituted this program to considerably raise the bar in personal and specialized service for departments, agencies, and dealers alike within the industry. In short, this program allows you to get the exact gloves you want.
It is with Damascus’ expertise and history with quality leathers and glove manufacturing, a unique approach to the manufacturing process, and a newly established creative department that we are able to offer this service.
One of the most significant features of this program is the low minimum requirement of only 250 pair. Not only will prices be comparable to existing in-stock items, but in most cases the delivery time will be well within 45-60 days. (Please note that consideration will be given to smaller quantities, however higher prices may apply)
Your new options are:
OPTION 1: Start with any existing product in our line and customize it to your needs. We will make it in any color: blue, gray, tan, brown, white, etc. Add your department’s logo on the closure or in the form of an embossing if you like as well.
OPTION 2: Bring us any glove currently or formerly made and we will make it for you. Your favorite glove style may have been discontinued or no longer available from an another manufacturer. A sample is all we need in most cases to bring it back to life. Of course the customized features listed in Option 1 are also available.
OPTION 3: Design your own. For various reasons some departments want a combination of features which are not available to them in one single glove style on the market. This is your opportunity to customize further to your needs.
For more information, please contact us below:
Damascus Worldwide, Inc. 63 Wales St. - Rutland, VT 05701
(800) 451-4167 Toll Free
(802) 747-0446
(802) 773-3919 FAX or (877) 326-2728