Preliminary Test Results from the Dept. of Justice Body Armor Safety Initiative
Body Armor Safety Initiative Test Results - Phase I
Police1 notes that the below test results are preliminary and were conducted on heavily used vests exposed to various environmental factors. All vest models tested were certified by the NIJ and each vest tested was within the manufacturers warrantee period. Please be sure to keep in mind the following DOJ statement related to evaluating the test results when reviewing the data:
“The chart below provides preliminary data obtained as part of ongoing testing of used body armor. Because of the very small sample size (20 armors), it is not possible to draw any statistically-based conclusions about specific manufacturers, models, service life, or geographical regions at this time. Armor will be analyzed further to determine what additional testing and analysis are necessary to conclude if there is a specific problem with a Zylon(r)- based armor model, armor design, age, or susceptibility to environmental factors.”
In addition, Armor Holdings Products Divisions has released the following press release concerning the above test results: