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TASER International Hosts Arizona Distracted Driving Youth Summit

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TASER is committed to developing innovative technologies that save lives and protect our communities.

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.TASER International, Inc. (NASDAQ: TASR), today is participating today in the first ever Arizona Distracted Driving Youth Summit in an effort to curb distracting driving. The event brings Arizona high school students together from across the state to discuss and develop an effective safe driving campaign that teens can then bring back to their local schools and communities.

“Distracted driving and texting while driving kills more than 5,000 people every year, which is precisely why TASER believes it’s time we as a community come together to effect change,” said Rick Smith, CEO of TASER International. “It is going to be an effort by all of us to curb distracted driving and will require education awareness, legislation, enforcement, and prevention. The community of Arizona knows us as technology innovators that play a vital role in reducing risk, saving lives, and preventing injuries in volatile and dangerous situations but we also believe technology can play a role in protecting loved ones and families by preventing distracted drivers.”

“We are proud to participate with such key industry, educators, law enforcement, community partners like ASU’s College of Technology and Innovation, WiredSafety, the Teenangels, SADD, MASK, notMYkid, Red Means Stop, AAA Arizona, Scutari and Cieslak, Sitewire, Jon Watson and KDKB Radio, Matt Dallas, AT&T, Principal Cynthia Davis, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, ZoomSafer, Nuance, DrivingMBA, Arizona Department of Public Safety and other Arizona law enforcement agencies to reduce distracted driving.”

The Arizona Distracted Driver Youth Summit is Thursday, November 11th 9-4 pm at Arizona State University’s Memorial Union, located on the Tempe campus. Media is encouraged to attend.

About TASER International, Inc.

TASER International, Inc., is the global leader in the development of technologies that Protect Life and Protect Truth. More than 15,800 public safety agencies in 40 countries rely on TASER electronic control devices (ECDs) also known in Canada as Conducted Energy Weapons (CEWs) to help protect and serve. TASER innovations benefit individuals and families too; providing personal protection and accountability while maintaining regard for life. TASER is committed to bringing advanced solutions to market, like TASER AXON and - powerful evidence capturing and management platforms. Learn more about TASER International and its products at or by calling (800) 978-2737.