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Emerging Digital Concepts announces the release of Backup Software System

FAIRFAX, Va. — Emerging Digital Concepts (EDC), the provider of the award-winning NG-CAD-X, CAD2CAD interface software, is proud to introduce its NG‑CAD‑X /4, CAD4CAD Backup System, allowing agencies to back up each other via NG-CAD-X/4 Backup and NG‑CAD‑X/4 Disaster modules.

NG‑CAD‑X/4 Backup is for PSAPS that are still operational, but must be left unmanned. When a PSAP is operationally compromised, or defunct, NG-CAD-X/4 Disaster provides the pathways to keep units dispatched and incidents managed, even when the jurisdiction’s CAD system is out of commission.

With either version of NG-CAD-X/4, another jurisdiction is designated as the backup. Once activated, that CAD system controls the dispatching of units for the jurisdiction requiring backup. NG-CAD-X/4 also has the capacity to select, in real time, a different designated jurisdiction as backup – albeit with proper, advanced planning.

The simplest scenario of CAD4CAD Backup is where a PSAP must be evacuated, but the infrastructure remains operational. An example of this might involve a bomb or pathogen threat, or possible damage to the structure in the event of an earthquake, (pending structural review) where personnel are required to leave immediately.

NG-CAD-X/4 Backup is the preferred mode in this case, and offers several benefits. First, stations responding to incidents operate in their typical manner. Station alerting remains the same (using the Alarm MCU’s), and unit MCT’s (mobile computer terminal) work the same way as they would under normal operations. The second benefit is while in this backup mode, all incidents continue to be recorded in the CAD’s RMS system.

NG-CAD-X/4 Backup is also ideal for smaller agencies that can only transfer 911 calls, but would like the ability to transfer dispatch duties (while logging data into their own RMS) and unit AVL info to another agency.

Another scenario is whenever a PSAP must be evacuated, and its immediate infrastructure is compromised (long-term evacuation), NG-CAD-X/4 Disaster shall provide backup services in a more complex manner including the transferring of 911 calls, taking over full dispatch duties and logging of units.

Whether an agency is struggling with the idea of consolidated dispatch, or the enormous, financial burden of establishing a secondary PSAP, NG-CAD-X/4 can provide your agencies with a wide range of affordable options.

For more information access or contact: Kevin Konczal –

About Emerging Digital Concepts (EDC)
EDC is a privately held company founded in 1997 by two former IBM system engineers: Chris Wiseman, and Greg Crider. EDC’s NG-CAD-X system provides an affordable, vendor neutral, state-of-the-art interface for agencies seeking to integrate their CAD Systems. NG-CAD-X is currently deployed and interfacing our nation’s critical, public safety infrastructure in the National Capitol Region (NCR). The NCR exchange interfaces the Fire Departments of Alexandria City, VA; Arlington County, VA; Fairfax County, VA; and Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority at Dulles International Airport, and Reagan National Airport. The following are scheduled to join in 2017: Prince William County, VA; Loudon County, VA; Montgomery County, MD; and Prince Georges County, MD. EDC was awarded the Virginia Governor’s Technology Award, and Best of NIEM for the NCR implementation.