The Vision 2022 FirstNet Users Summit is the ultimate venue to learn from the developers themselves and share your thoughts and ideas on current and future FirstNet advancements
LAS VEGAS — The Public Safety Broadband Technology Association (PSBTA) is proud to announce the first-of-its-kind FirstNet Users Summit, Vision 2022. This FirstNet-centric, broadband communication event takes place Sept. 19-22 in Las Vegas at the South Point Casino and Spa.
The PSBTA is dedicated to first responders’ access and optimization of our nation’s only fully designated public safety broadband network, FirstNet. First responders need up-to-the-moment FirstNet and the FirstNet ecosystem training to ensure they are fulling optimizing this powerful tool, and PSBTA’s primary mission is to provide that training.
Everything about FirstNet is purpose built for first responders and the program is evolving quickly to meet end-user needs. Knowing the facts about FirstNet and all it brings to bear for public safety is vital to making critical communications decisions. It is equally important that FirstNet users have a clear pathway to sharing their experiences with network, hardware and application developers. FirstNet is public safety’s network, and first responder engagement is the key to FirstNet’s ongoing success.
The Vision 2022 FirstNet Users Summit is the ultimate venue to learn from the developers themselves and share your thoughts and ideas on current and future FirstNet advancements. FirstNet currently serves over 3.3 million connections. Nearly 21,000 public safety agencies and organizations subscribe to FirstNet service. The challenge now is to make sure all aspects of the network and ecosystem are being used to their greatest potential.
The tech industry has responded to the development of FirstNet in a way that has finally put the first responder first. After rigorous vetting, specific to criteria necessary for public safety use and reliability, there are now nearly 200 public safety specific applications in the FirstNet app catalogue. These applications have been developed in response to your needs in the field. FirstNet Users Summit attendees will gain valuable insights in using the tools being created for their benefit.
Hardware development has taken a notable turn toward public safety as well. In the past, first responders relied on hardware built for the general consumer. To date, there are over 400 FirstNet Ready© devices available for use in the field. Hardware must also pass stringent qualification criteria to be recognized as FirstNet Ready©, and several products will be featured at the FirstNet Users Summit breakout sessions and in the exhibit hall.
The Vision 2022 FirstNet Users Summit agenda is designed to give end-users, decision-makers and public safety IT professional training and insight into the many ways FirstNet can enhance communication capabilities. Broadband communication for emergency services deserves its own space, allowing specific training, information sharing, and opportunities to have your voice heard, and this is it.
Not a FirstNet user yet? All Primary and Extended Primary FirstNet eligible personnel looking for answers on how FirstNet can vastly improve communications on all levels of emergency preparedness, response and recovery are welcome. The FirstNet Users Summit will have network, hardware and software specialists on hand to address your inquiries.
Highlights of the Summit include case studies on FirstNet’s performance during high-profile emergency events, Safer Building Coalitions sessions on improving in-building connectivity over LTE, how to optimized FirstNet’s exclusive access to High Power User Equipment through Mega Range™, FirstNet and 9-1-1 and how they work together, the future of 5G for public safety, how to leverage FirstNet Push to Talk in emergency and non-emergency settings, and workshops on utilizing grants to help fund communication needs.
Register today: Vision 2022 FirstNet Users Summit
About the Public Safety Broadband Technology Association
The PSBTA was founded by Richard Mirgon, Al Gillespie and Ray Flynn in an effort to continually engage first responders in the FirstNet discussion. With Executive Director Martha Ellis and Deputy Executive Director Karl Wilmes, they bring decades of law enforcement, fire, and emergency communications experience to the PSBTA effort to promote FirstNet training, outreach and advocacy for public safety. For more information on the PSBTA or to become a member, please visit