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Restraint care, maintenance and disinfectant guidelines

Use only approved procedures when using restraints. Frequent review and practice of proper procedures will increase your safety and efficiency. Approved procedures will also help to ensure your restraints continue to function properly.

When possible carry your restraints in a protective case to reduce exposure to outside elements. If exposed to moisture dry thoroughly. Most importantly, dry the inside locking mechanisms. Us a hair dryer to heat the restraint or placed on a heater. Re-oil following the instructions below.

When unlocking your restraint be careful not to torque the key post. This may loosen the post causing it to fall out. Also, be careful not to over rotate the key causing the key flag to break off or become stuck in the locking mechanism. Use extra caution when using oversize keys.

Routinely inspect restraints to check for damaged or bent parts. If the double strands or single strands have been bent the cuff may not ratchet smoothly or the cuff may not hold the double lock. Keep the ratchet and key hole free of dirt, lint or other foreign substances which may hinder proper functioning.

Clean and lubricate using Teflon based oil. Apply liberally making sure the oil has worked into the locking mechanism, double lock pin area and the single strand pivot area. Work in the oil by repeatedly rotating the single strand through the ratchet mechanism and by rotating the key as if removing the restraint. When finished remove all excess oil from handling surfaces so the restraints are not slippery.

Pentrate (black oxide) finishes may require more frequent lubrication and may tend to rust if not kept properly oiled.

If the restraints are contaminated by blood, vomit or other substances, use appropriate disinfectant techniques. It is recommended that any information on disinfectant techniques be double checked with experts in this area. A good source is the Center for Disease Control (800-342-2437).

The following are commercial disinfectant agents for use on hard non-porous surfaces. In general they are effective against various Herpes, Influenza, HIV-1 (AIDS virus), tuberculosis and other organisms. They are easy to use and will not damage a nickel plated finish. Do not use on Black Oxide or Pentrate finishes.

1. Medaphene Spray – available through Romaine Companies (800) 850-6985.
2. Redicide – available through Chemclean Corporation (800) 538-2436.
3. Staphene Spray – available through Calgon Vestal Laboratories (800) 345-7995.

Another option is to use a bleach bath. Mix 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. Soak the cuffs for 10 min. and then following the instructions below. Do not use this method for Black Oxide or Pentrate finishes.

Do not place cuffs in boiling water. This will effectively disinfectant or sterilize the cuff. It will also strip the cuff of any oil and cause heavy rusting.

Please remember to double-check all advice given with experts in disinfectant techniques.

Courtesy of Peerless Handcuff Company