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Cops in Ariz. city now equipped with AR-15s mounted on motorcycles

Officers in an Arizona city are catching the attention of some drivers with their new equipment

By Police1 Staff

TEMPE, Ariz. — Motorcops in an Arizona city are catching the attention of some drivers with their new equipment.

The Phoenix New Times reports that the Tempe PD has equipped eight of its duty motorcycles - more than half - with upright mounts for rifles. Tempe police Commander Michael Pooley said the idea was brought up by Chief Sylvia Moore when she was hired in 2016, and that officers embraced the idea.

Pooley said sometimes a motorcop is the first LEO to arrive at the source of trouble, and will now be properly armed for any situation.

The commander said sometimes pistols aren’t enough, especially when criminals are using heavier weapons. Pooley said with the patrol rifle on full public display, the agency was prepared for potential backlash.

But Pooley said the agency has “gotten a lot of positive feedback” from the community since deploying them. The mounts for the rifles are secure and do not allow easy access by the public, he said.

So far, no officers have had to fire their AR-15, but a few did have to draw them in the past few months.