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A.L.S. Technologies Announces Pen-Prevent Less Lethal Ammunition

ALS Technologies Pen-Prevent A.L.S. Technologies introduces Pen-Prevent less lethal ammunition for the 12 Gauge. This is the industry’s only Drag Stabilized 40 gram ballistic bag utilizing Pen-Prevent. This round produces a painful and powerful blunt impact at an approximate average of 280 feet per second thereby reducing your liability profile in relations to lethal ammunition.

History/Background: The Pen-Prevent was developed to overcome the shortcomings of conventional bean bag ammunition. A specialized material design is used to minimize penetration generally associated with 1.75 inch diameter bean bags. This round remains in a more aerodynamic configuration due to the extended nylon tail. The aerodynamic design virtually eliminates missed target zones caused by errant projectiles and ensures the same strike profile, removing any possibility of spinning or fluttering shot after shot.

Potential Targets/Applications: Individual Targets, Suspect Apprehension, Prison/Civil Rioters, And Animal Control/Conditioning

Primary Users: Law Enforcement, Military

Incapacitation Mechanism/Technology: The PEN-PREVENT is made of the industries only triple layered material specifically designed to disperse energy. This 40 gram flexible tail stabilized projectile produces controlled and directed incapacitation by blunt impact trauma resulting from the transfer of approximately 85 foot pounds of energy at 3 feet.

Physical Data:

    A. Size: Length= 2.5 inch, 12 gauge SAAMI specification
    B. Projectile Weight: 616 grains / 40 grams
    C. Power Requirements: None

Performance Characteristics:

    A Effect on target: Incapacitation caused by loss of breath, psychological effect, and/or pain and extreme discomfort.
    B. Time to Effect: Instantaneous
    C. Duration of Effect: Seconds to Minutes based on power factor, distance and location of strike.
    D. Effective Range: 7 yards (heavily clothed subject) to 20 yards

Delivery Means: 12 gauge shotgun, cylinder bore required (check with accompanying go/nogo gauge)

Operational Strengths: Most officers are trained with the use of 12 gauge. Uses standard issue weapons, requires no special equipment.

Operational Limitations: Countermeasures:

    A. Shields, heavy flora, natural or man-made cover or concealment
    B. Weather/Environment Limitations: Dense fog limits target acquisition
    C. Legal, fratricide, multi-shot/recycle time, number of shots, shot/long term human effects: Pump shotguns can be recycled at one second intervals providing multiple target acquisition. Higher power factors may produce lethal trauma when vital areas are struck and energy imparted exceeds 90 foot pounds by causing massive skull fractures, rupture of vital organs, heart compression and or serious skin lacerations. Normal use may result in contusions, abrasions, broken ribs and concussions.

Documentation Requirements: It is recommended that officers training records be annotated to indicate proper training of less lethal blunt impact munitions use has been accomplished.

Important Note: Never Aim at or above the Sternum. Less Lethal Ammunition can cause contusions, abrasions, broken ribs, concussions, loss of eyes, superficial organ damage, serious skin lacerations massive skull fractures, rupture of the heart or kidney, fragmentation of the liver, hemorrhages, and death. Medical assistance should be contacted immediately after an actual deployment of a less lethal munition even if no physical injuries appear on subject or subjects. Penetration, though not a desired effect, has occurred in approximately 2% of beanbag shootings regardless of manufacturer or design.

Contact Information:
ALS Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 525
Bull Shoals, AR 72619
Ph: (870) 445-8746
Fax: (870) 445-6191

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A.L.S. Technologies