Lightfield Less Lethal is introducing the NOVA-DR, a 12 ga Distraction Round. Rated at 110DbA, this in-direct fire load was designed to be a viable alternative to a hand-thrown Flash-bang (NFDD). It eliminates the ATFE paper trail and costly instructor certifications. The per unit cost is slashed and the cumbersome storage and transport requirements inherent to standard NFDD are gone.
The NOVA-DR produces an intense muzzle flash and concussion that is ideal for making entries or diverting attention away from other team operations. It can be used for Correctional cell extractions or at civil disorders. It can also be used to redirect dangerous animals such as guard dogs. Because the blast is generated at the muzzle, the operator has complete control and there is reduced liability of fire and or injury to operators and suspects alike. There is also no heavy iron body that could be thrown back at the operator during operations
The NOVA-DR will not completely replace the hand-thrown NFDD, but it can provide a much less expensive alternative for training scenarios. Many small agencies that cannot otherwise afford to use the hand-thrown devices will find the NOVA-DR very affordable at the agency price of $3.25 per round. For more information, please visit our website at or email us at