Security Equipment Corporation joins the fight against breast cancer via a donation made on the sale of every PINK (HC-NBCF-01) pepper spray.
Every two (2) minutes, a woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. There are over two million (2,000,000) women living in America with breast cancer and approximately one (1) in every eight (8) women will develop breast cancer within their
lifetime. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer has now become the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women.
The NBCF Mission “is to save lives by increasing awareness of breast cancer through education and by providing mammograms for those in need”. The NBCF provided more than 22,000 free mammograms for underinsured women in America in 2006, and the Foundation also supports cancer research, primarily through a relationship with the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX, and research programs at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH.
Unfortunately, nearly every American household has been affected by cancer and similar to most families, Security Equipment Corporation (SEC), a family owned and operated business, has had several members diagnosed with cancer. SEC’s President and founder, Larry D. Nance, has been a patient of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Fully realizing the seriousness of this disease, SEC was pleased to learn about the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s (NBCF) efforts to fight breast cancer and support cancer research. SEC is proud to announce it has joined the NBCF in the fight against breast cancer.
Beginning January 1, 2008, SEC will make a donation to the NBCF on the sale of each SABRE RED, Pink, Key Chain pepper spray (HC-NBCF-01). SEC’s compact and most popular key chain pepper spray is equipped with a quick release key ring and deploys up to 25 shots at a 10 foot range. David Nance, SEC Vice President, said, “We are very happy and proud to support the NBCF and its fight against breast cancer. Fortunately, the NBCF chose our most practical and popular SABRE product which maximizes SEC’s ability to support this excellent charity and cause”.
This partnership enables consumers throughout the United States to support an excellent charity while equipping themselves or a loved one with the increased safety provided by SABRE RED pepper spray. Look for the new pink packaging shown above at one of thousands of retailers within the US beginning in 2008 and join the fight against both cancer and crime.
Since 1975, Security Equipment Corporation has produced the most effective line of defense spray products. Branded as SABRE, SABRE RED and FRONTIERSMAN, customers are offered the finest defense spray possible with one thought in mind: When a life is at stake, our products must be effective.
For more information about Security Equipment Corporation and its efforts to support the NBCF, contact Security Equipment Corporation at 330 Sun Valley Circle, Fenton, MO 63026, (800) 325-9568 or visit the company’s website at Superior Personal Safety Products Since 1975!