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Tuition-Free Tactical OC® Instructor Courses Offered by DTI

Millersville, PA - The Defensive Tactics Institute (DTI) announces a series of tuition-free Tactical OC® Instructor courses with the first two hosted on August 2, 2005 by Chief Michael Bicking, West Chester (PA) University Police Department, and August 16, 2005 by Chief Jose A. Elique, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (NV) Department of Public Safety.

Focusing solely on hand-held pepper sprays, the eight-hour instructor course is more than simply pointing the nozzle toward a target and then spraying. Timely topics include, but are not limited to: recent scientific research on those pepper sprays that are flammable when used with stun guns; reliable and scientific research on the pharmacological and medical effects of pepper sprays; carcinogenic concerns about OC; hotness: capsaicin content vs. Scoville value vs. capsaicinoids; use-of-force concerns about using pepper sprays, including product safety issues; cutting-edge update examining the latest court rulings on the use of pepper sprays; post-spray protocols; sudden and in-custody death concerns; carrying methods; effective and safe discharge distances; spray patterns; formulations; propellants, OSHA, and the EPA; tactical applications; training methods, including inert spray safety issues, and personal protective gear; and, developing and presenting scenario-based training. The tactical reasoning and legal-medical anxiety of “live OC” exposure training, and the required warnings prior to spraying “trainees”, plus health concerns for OC instructors who are frequently exposed to OC will also be explained. Sample policy handouts will be provided for operational guidance to assist administrators and government officials.

These limited, tuition-free, non-product-specific courses are being made possible by concerned pepper spray manufacturers, which have also agreed to partially underwrite the development of a comprehensive informational DVD and textbook about the defensive uses of pepper spray. The DVD and text may be purchased by course attendees and other interested people. Produced by 702 Visual Communications, Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada, in association with experienced pepper spray instructors and manufacturers, trial lawyers, pharmacists, researchers, and medical experts, among others, the OC DVD and text report on pharmacological, psychological, legal, medical, sudden death, tactical, and training issues. Never before has there been such a multi-disciplinary approach taken to produce a comprehensive OC training program, DVD, and text about the defensive uses of hand-held pepper sprays.

To register for either tuition-free instructor program or to host a tuition-free training program, please call or fax the Institute: 717.871.9095; fax-717.871.3158. Tactical OC® instructor and basic courses will also be available via the Institute’s exclusive VIDEOCERT® and AUDIOCERT® distance learning programs. Tactical OC®, VIDEOCERT®, and AUDIOCERT® are registered trademarked licensed by the DTI.