IACP Workshop of great importance to police executives will be presented on Saturday, September 24, 2005, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Miami Convention Center, Rooms B214 - 215
Frustrated by high-profile reports of police misconduct that tarnish all officers with the misdeeds of a few?
Concerned that early-warning systems still come too late?
Worried that the “blue wall of silence” protects bad cops and corrupts good ones?
Come to this workshop and learn about a new approach to strengthen the ethical foundation of your organization-by building on traditional police values already in play.
Shared Responsibility simply means that everyone in a police organization, regardless of rank or seniority, has a proactive duty to prevent unethical or illegal conduct before it happens as well as to report and respond to it after the fact. At first glance, it may seem radical to hold non-supervisory officers responsible for the conduct of other officers, but the idea builds on values already well established in police culture, in particular
- Officer Safety
- Loyalty
- Teamwork
Shared Responsibility extends these values to all police operations, by making everyone involved in a police action responsible for seeing that it is handled right.
Come to this workshop and hear a distinguished panel including police executives, an ethics expert, a POST director and law enforcement trainer who will show how this concept is already being put into practice. Attendees will receive a model policy, implementation guide and training outline (with training scenarios) to help your organization make the move from “Don’t be a rat” to “Don’t be a sheep.”
- Patricia Robinson, PhD, Coronado Consulting Services, LLC
- Colonel Charles Bennett, Jr., Chief of Police, Lynchburg, VA
- Mr. Daniel P. Carlson, Associate Director, The Institute for Law Enforcement Administration, Plano, TX
- Mr. Dennis E. Hanson, Director, Training and Standards Bureau, Wisconsin Department of Justice
- Captain Lee F. McMenamin, Officer in Charge, Southwest Region, Deforest Post, Wisconsin State Patrol
For more information, please contact Ronald W. McBride at 859.881.3054