There are so many ways that PowerDetails can fit your agency’s needs.
From using the site to schedule training, certifications, or agency classes to creating multiple shifts to bid by seniority, the site can work to your benefit.
We want to share the creative ways that we have seen agencies use PowerDetails to give you a more in-depth look at how transparent the site can be.
Do you have different shifts for the same job?
If your agency wants to create a bid that will allow an officer to apply for a shift by seniority, you can accomplish this by utilizing job sets to create new jobs with different shifts.
Job sets are the site’s way of unlocking a range of jobs within a specified timeframe, allowing personnel to have a specific time to go into the website and apply for details posted to the calendar, based on seniority.
Steps to create a shift bid by seniority:
1. Create an Employer (Vendor) Profile that has each shift added as a different location. When creating a job, the administrator can select the different shifts as a location, so personnel can see which shift they have applied for.
2. Next, the administrator will then create a new job and select the employer they created for the shift bidding and select the “location” (shift) they want to post. For multiple shifts, the administrator can copy the job template and select a different “shift” to add to the calendar.
3. Once all of the jobs and shifts have been added to the calendar, the administrator can create a job set to allow personnel to apply by seniority. The administrator will need to choose a start/end time that matches the shift start and end times so that the job set will not “lock” all of the other regular jobs that have been posted to the calendar.
4. After a job set has been created for the timeframe that your shifts will be occurring, you can send your personnel an alert with their specified time to apply for shifts on the job calendar by generating the personnel assigned apply times.
Need to set up a spot on the calendar for training or certification courses?
With PowerDetails, you can easily schedule training sessions and agency certification courses for personnel that can be tracked and recorded within your agency’s site.
This can be accomplished by setting a specified job category on the code tables to single out what type of session is being referenced.
From there, your agency can create a new jobs by category and post them to the calendar. This will allow your personnel to filter the calendar to only see that category of “job” or training sessions and courses that are available to sign up for.
Once this is complete, the site will then be able to track these training sessions, certification courses, or mandatory agency classes, with reports that can be filtered by category, making it easy to monitor progress as personnel complete those types of events.
Think outside the box!
These little tips and tricks can come in handy for agencies that want to utilize the software in different ways. If you have any questions on how to set up shift bidding or recording training sessions, please contact us at
If you have found a creative way to use PowerDetails, let us know! We always appreciate customer feedback.
If you would like to experience the benefits of PowerDetails for yourself, please schedule a brief web-demonstration with us here and we’ll be happy to get you set up with a Free 15-day trial.