After a disgruntled citizen stole a ProLaser III (among other things) from a preoccupied officer, the officer set out to get his belongings back. After some investigation, he found that the PL III had been thrown away, and taken to the dump by the local garbage company.
As an outstanding public steward, the officer spent two hours digging through garbage in 80+ degree temperatures to finally reach down and feel a familiar object – his ProLaser III! Having written countless citations on the main corridor in Cincinnati, Ohio, the feeling was immediately recognizable. After retrieving the smelly, dirty laser gun he decided to give it a try, not hoping for much, after it being smashed by a garbage truck, covered in wet slime and buried under four tons of trash, low and behold, he aimed and pointed at an incoming garbage truck and the ProLaser III still worked.
The quality of durability of Kustom Signals Inc. products shines through to our customers every day and we look forward to providing them with the products that can withstand the ups and downs of an officer’s day. The agency now works closely with Kustom Signals and is a loyal advocate for our products.