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New Device Aids All First Responders at Signaled Intersections Experiencing 90% Reduction in Intersection Violations

One of the most innovative devices to aid all first responders safely through signaled intersections is now being produced by E-Light, LLC of Livonia, MI. The Emergency Vehicle Alert System (EVAS) is a combination of transmitters and receivers that activate a standard MUTCD W11-8 fire truck symbol.

The E-Light is made up of 246 high output ultra bright amber LED lights in the shape of the fire truck symbol. When an emergency vehicle is on an emergency run, a transmitter, located in the vehicle, sends an encrypted signal to the E-Light. When the signal is verified, the E-Light will begin to flash in all directions of traffic, giving all motorists a VISUAL SIGNAL that an emergency vehicle is approaching the intersection.
With the current use of cell phones, loud sound systems, and sound proof vehicles, the emergency vehicle siren is not as effective as it should be.

The activation of the E-Light can be set to a predetermined distance from the intersection within 500-2000ft. depending on intersection configuration. This feature will allow for maximum activation distance without sending false signals to upcoming intersections. E-Light, LLC, along with the City of Dearborn Heights Michigan, under the guidelines of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) were granted a “Request for Experimentation” in May 2007. Three intersections were equipped with the E-Light device, along with transmitters for (2) Fire Trucks,(1) Rescue, and (9) Police cars in July 2007. Evaluation of the EVAS system was conducted by Wayne State University/ Traffic Research Group. Intersections were evaluated with the “Before” & “After” method of effectiveness. The data collection determined that a significant reduction in all areas was experienced. The “Violations” at all three intersections were reduced by 90%. This confirms that the effectiveness that the EVAS system is substantial at reducing the number of accidents at signaled intersections.

The FHWA, MDOT, and WSU/TRG, based on the data collected, believe that the EVAS system presents a promising avenue for minimizing the risk of accidents at signaled intersections. The FHWA has now expanded the “Experimentation Process” granted to the City of Dearborn Heights, MI. to any other city that would like to have the EVAS system installed in their community. Any city that would like to participate in the process must fill out the appropriate forms with the FHWA. E-Light, LLC will provide all forms and instructions to complete the process. All data compiled can be reviewed under the WSU/TRG tab at A full report by WSU/TRG can be obtained through E-Light, LLC.

Please visit our web site for a video preview of the EVAS system. Any questions or concerns can be emailed to or call 248-561-9942.