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L.O.C.K.U.P.® Police Combat Systems “Overcoming Size Differences” Course a Success

Evaluations from “Overcoming Size Differences” For Female and Smaller Stature Officers conducted on May 1st and 2nd, 2008.

  • “All the right tools to handle bigger guys.”
  • “I want to take it again…”
  • “Kevin Dillon is a brilliant instructor, the lecture was key in making the hands on successful.”
  • “I had no confidence prior to this training in taking larger size suspects down…Now I am confident.”
  • “I expected to be able to overcome a person of double my size – This course proves it’s possible.”
  • “Fantastic ...they didn’t take it easy on us. That made the course realistic.”
  • “This course was so good I would definitely recommend it to other officers in my department.”
  • “This course blew my mind and made me more confident.”
  • “I wanted to learn how to have more control if the situation arose in encountering a subject of bigger stature and being able to fight if need be successfully!”
  • “Realistic hand on training that I can actually use in the field.”
  • “(Instructors) Took time and made sure everyone understood and did it right.”

3rd Class Added by Popular Demand
When: June 9 – 10, 2008
Where: CT Police Academy, Meriden, CT.
Contact: Mr. George Miller,

About L.O.C.K.U.P.® Police Combat Systems
Created with over 50 years of combined law enforcement experience, the integrated law enforcement based systems of L.O.C.K.U.P® provides a wide array of arrest and control maneuvers and firearms tactics for survival. Developed for both armed and unarmed physical threats, these specially designed training courses provide comprehensive instruction in ALL ASPECTS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT ENGAGEMENTS, such as; arrest and control tactics, baton training, SWAT encounters and firearms skills. All training is consistent with true physiological aspects of human changes in actual police and military encounters.

Lead by internationally renowned instructor Lt. Kevin Dillon (Ret) Police Combat Training programs deliver the highest level of police, military and security training. Close Quarter Combat Programs are primarily based on integrating training systems:

• L.O.C.K.U.P.® Combat System is primarily focused on techniques for empty-hand police combat that combines dynamic arrest and control tactics with proven fighting skills. All weapons of law enforcement are included in training to provide the highest level of effective countermeasures.

• SSS Shooting System is a proprietary firearms instruction focusing on high-level weapons with an emphasis on CQB tactics and deadly force engagements.

Your body dictates the physiological changes that occur during combative engagements; your training dictates your response.” Lt. Kevin Dillon (Ret) Founder and Developer of the L.O.C.K.U.P. ® Police Combat System