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Kustom Signals Introduces Sure Talk-900 MHz Digital Automatic Audio Transmitter for In-Car Video Systems

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For Immediate Release

Lenexa, KS (July 2003) - Kustom Signals introduces Sure Talk, a 900 MHz Digital Spread Spectrum Transmitter for in-car video systems. The Sure Talk system is automatically activated when the video system begins recording to ensure that audio is recorded even if an officer forgets to turn the transmitter on.

The system will allow up to 20 officers to operate their transmitters in the same area without interference. For added convenience, any Sure Talk transmitter can be used with any Sure Talk-equipped vehicle.

The Sure Talk transmitter includes a standard mic cord and a built-in internal mic. This internal mic allows the transmitter to be used without the mic cord if desired, or it can be used as a back-up mic should the mic cord become damaged. The Sure Talk transmitter detects damage to the mic cord and automatically switches to the internal mic, ensuring that no audio is missed.

The transmitter includes a compact, rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery that will provide 10-12 hours of continuous operation and 20 days of standby time. Sure Talk automatically adjusts power output levels to maximize power efficiency. For example, during a typical traffic stop, the transmitter provides the highest level of audio quality while using very little power. If an officer moves away from the car, or more officers arrive on the scene, Sure Talk’s receiver sends a command to the transmitter to increase the power output to maintain audio quality. Once the number of users or distance to the receiver decreases, the transmitter power output is reduced to conserve battery power.

To enhance audio quality, Sure Talk utilizes cellular phone compression technology, as opposed to cordless phone technology, to more accurately reproduce any sound you can hear-not just human voices. Sure Talk can accurately record other audio sources such as gunfire, speeding vehicles, horns, etc.

For more than 30 years, Kustom Signals, Inc. has been a world leader in the design, manufacture and sale of radar, laser, in-car video and related public safety equipment including fire apparatus video surveillance systems and speed monitoring trailers. More information, please call us toll-free 1-800-4KUSTOM, email us at or visit us on the web at