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3 purchasing considerations for in-vehicle storage systems

Are you considering purchasing a vehicle storage system for your patrol car? With all of the equipment and technology that police officers are required to carry to support their day-to-day duties, officers need an in-vehicle storage system that not only protects weapons and gear, but one that may also have dividers, multiple drawers, or even a completely custom solution. However, before you invest in a valuable purchase such as this, multiple considerations must be made to ensure you purchase the right solution to meet your specific storage needs. Considerations include:

What equipment will be stored?

There is a vast array of equipment that is used by law enforcement on a daily basis, and this can vary drastically depending on the role each officer plays in his or her department. If you are on a S.W.A.T. team, you will most likely have specific gear dedicated to S.W.A.T. call outs that you must have with you at all times. If you’re an evidence tech or involved in investigations, you may have specialized cameras and other


crime scene gear that must always be readily available. Even just for every-day patrol, there is equipment that you must always be able to access in order to do your job efficiently and successfully. Finding a storage system to hold all your day-to-day and specialized equipment can make every call you respond to much easier to navigate when you’re not struggling to find and access the tools you need.

The key is to really evaluate what equipment you need to store for your day-to-day duties. The amount of equipment you are issued will play a huge role in your considerations of a vehicle storage system as well as determining what is consistently needed and most frequently used for your specific role. Estes AWS has a solution for every officer no matter what your specific focus or responsibilities may be within your department. Our SUV Storage Boxes are the perfect storage solution for large equipment and come with dividers to allow for a customized interior configuration. Adding a Fence Package to the Storage Boxes provides additional open-access storage space on top of the box. Our Electronics Tray and Auxiliary Drawer are perfect for storing smaller items such as evidence bags, test kits, PBTs (portable breath tests), spare gun magazines, and other additional ammo.

What needs to be protected to prevent theft?

The large majority of equipment and tools needed to do a police officer’s job can be an extremely expensive investment. Firearms are usually at the top of the list, not just because of how expensive they are, but also because of the imminent threat they can pose to other officers and communities when stolen. Body armor, high tech cameras, and spare ammunition are all items that should be kept out of sight and secured to prevent easy theft in the event of a quick smash and grab. Anything left out in the open is fair game to a thief who manages to gain access to the inside of your vehicle. Estes AWS storage solutions and weapon lockers are made from high-strength steel that bolt directly to the frame of the vehicle in which they are mounted. In addition to this, Estes AWS offers Rapid Access Weapon Lockers, designed specifically for rifles and shotguns. This high security locker safely stores two long guns with enough space for extra magazines and handguns if desired. Not only do our weapon lockers protect the financial investments made by your department, but they also help protect the communities you serve by keeping your weapons out of the hands of criminals.

How accessible does each item need to be?

A dedicated storage solution for gear and weapons allows you to efficiently access the weapons you need to address the emergency at hand, and the right in-vehicle storage solution can allow you to keep both equipment and weapons close together. Weapons and ammo must be easily accessible at all times, and quick and easy access to these items must be a priority when considering options for in-vehicle storage

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systems. In addition to this, your specific role will impact your decision of what items need to be accessible. A patrol officer is more likely to respond to an accident or perform a routine traffic stop than they are to respond to a hostage or active shooter situation. Therefore, a patrol officer should focus on ensuring that road flares and traffic vests are easily accessible and that these are not crammed into the dashboard or shuffling around on the floor, the seats, or anywhere in between. Items such as extra flashlights and hand cuffs, first aid kits, biohazard bags, and personal protective equipment also need to be stored in an easily-accessible way without having to filter through other equipment and gear.

Estes AWS Weapon Lockers feature the lowest time to deployment of any trunk or rear cargo area product in the industry and immediately present officers’ weapons to them by the time they arrive to the rear of their vehicle. This ensures that weapons and ammo are always readily accessible at the push of a button. Our accessory products allow you to conveniently store necessary items close to your weapons without taking up valuable space in the weapon locker, keeping your gear out of sight and locked away.

Consider Estes AWS

Estes AWS offers multiple in-vehicle storage solutions for all vehicle types, and our products are designed to fit in SUVs, sedans, and pickup trucks. We also offer customized solutions, and Estes AWS has the resources to custom design and build solutions outside of the standard lockers and accessories offered on our website. If you have a unique need for your department and haven’t been able to find a solution, contact us. Estes AWS has you covered when it comes to in-vehicle gear and weapon storage, and you can easily combine products to create the exact storage solution needed to meet your unique storage needs.