By Police1 Staff
WISCONSIN — As winter weather moves in, one department is reminding drivers to take their time and be aware when conditions become dangerous.
A trooper with the Wisconsin State Patrol posted photos of his busted up cruiser after a driver struck it while the trooper was protecting another crash scene.
“I sustain[ed] minor injury, but will live to serve another day without permanent/life altering affects,” the trooper wrote. “Other Trooper’s [sic] have not been so lucky, losing limbs (Wisconsin Trooper Justin Hansen, Crash 01/26/14) or and/or their life (Colorado Trooper Cody Donahue, EOW 11/25/16).”
State law requires drivers to move over and slow down for maintenance vehicles, emergency vehicles, and tow vehicles.
“It is not that difficult for the motoring public to travel at a reduced speed during inclement weather and/or to move over for emergency vehicles on the roadway as they are working.”