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Advanced Training Opportunity

The United States Army Military Police School offers eight training courses for federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel with drug enforcement responsibilities.Courses are designed to minimize costs. There is no cost to the student for tuition, training materials, meals, or lodging while attending training.** THE ONLY COST TO THE AGENCY IS TRAVEL.Due to their high demand, seats for these courses are quickly filled. Please see the section on requesting courses for more information on obtaining reservations for a specific course. Course descriptions are available below. To request schedules or other information contact the Advanced Law Enforcement Training Division at (573) 596-0730 or e-mail courses are also available as Mobile Training Team Courses (MTT). If your agency would be interested in hosting a course at your location, please read our MTT section below.** Counterdrug Commanders Course does not include meals.______________________________.Counterdrug Special Reaction Team Course - Drug Raids .Counterdrug Marksman/Observer Course - Precision Marksmanship .Counterdrug Investigations Course - Undercover Operations .Counterdrug Commanders Course - Leadership Training .Counterdrug Narco-Terrorism Personal Protection Course - Executive and Witness Protection .Counterdrug Crisis Negotiations - Hostage Negotiations .Counterdrug -Field Tactical Police Operations .Counterdrug - DEA Clandestine Laboratory Course .Counterdrug - DEA’s Drug Unit Commander Academy Course .Criminal Intelligence Systems Course, Phases 1 & 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE DESCRIPTIONS:Counterdrug Special Reaction Team CourseObjective: Trains police officers in conducting raids on drug houses, apartments, and other dwellings using special weapons and tactics. Officers should be in good physical conditionPrerequisites: Students must be sworn law enforcement officers having drug enforcement responsibilities.Course Topics (48 hours)SRT Concepts SRT Equipment Raid Preplanning Intelligence and Blueprints Team Member Evacuation Use of Non-Lethal Agents Dynamic Clearing with Diversion Devices Building Entry Techniques Pistol/Shotgun/Submachine Gun Stress Course Night Drug Raid Practical Exercise Day Drug Raid Practical Exercise (Simunitions) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Counterdrug Marksman/Observer CourseObjectives: Trains police marksman/observer teams in those techniques needed to effectively neutralize hostile targets in special threat situations using select long rifle fire.Prerequisites: Students SHOULD be a graduate of the CounterDrug SRT Course or another approved police tactical course. Stringent standards will be maintained and failure to meet course standards will result in elimination from the course.Course Topics: (50 hours)Responsibilities of the Marksman/ObserverPsychological AspectsTactical NeutralizationPlanning and Set-up of Tactical OperationsSighting SystemsEffects of Wind/WeatherMarksmanship FundamentalsIron sights Practice/QualificationScoped Rifle Practice/QualificationSynchronized Shooting--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Counterdrug Investigations CourseObjective: Provides training in covert drug investigation techniques for day and night operations. Emphasis is on officer safety, risk management, and numerous practical applications. This is a basic “street drug enforcement” course designed for both the newly assigned narcotics operative and as a refresher for those having been on the “street” for a period of time. Officers should have duties, which support both overt and covert drug enforcement operations.Prerequisites: Students MUST be sworn police officers having narcotic enforcement responsibilities.Course Topics: (40 hours) Criminal Intelligence Risk Management, Undercover Violence Sources, Drug Investigative Techniques Technical Surveillance Equipment (Audio/Video) Undercover Drug Buys Surveillance Operations and Planning Manufacturing of Drugs Practical Exercises *****NOTE: Several training days exceed 8 hours, and include day and night training.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Counterdrug Commanders CourseObjective: Trains civilian police supervisors in the management, development, and supervision of narcotic operations. All classes focus on management/leadership principles.Prerequisites: Students MUST be sworn police officers who currently have leadership/management responsibilities in drug enforcement operations.Course Topics: (35 hours)UC Violence Leadership of Criminal Intelligence, Source Program, Technical Surveillance Equipment Operational Planning Management Issues of Drug Manufacturing SRT for Supervisors Decision Making Process WACO Overview Psyche of Survival Post Incident Procedures ****NOTE: This course does not include meals while at Fort Leonard Wood. Meals are the responsibility of the student.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Counterdrug Narco-Terrorism Personal Protection CourseObjective: Provides training in Executive and Witness Protective Services. Emphasis will be placed upon protection of public officials, witnesses against drug offenders, and others threatened in a narco-terrorism environment.Prerequisites: Students MUST be sworn police officers having drug enforcement responsibilities within their agency.Course Topics: (40 hours) Special Weapons and Equipment Unarmed Self-Defense Walking Formations Mounted/Dismounted Formations Attack Recognition/Surveillance Detection Dignitary/Witness Protection in a Narco-Terrorism Environment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Counterdrug Crisis NegotiationsObjective: Trains law enforcement personnel in the art of negotiation in a variety of scenarios. Emphasis is on planning and execution of crisis negotiations, confrontational management, and undercover negotiations.Prerequisites: Students MUST be sworn police officers having drug enforcement responsibilities within their agency.Course Topics: (40 hours) Pre-Event Planning Command Response Principles of Negotiations Abnormal Psychology for Negotiators Hostage Situation Considerations Undercover Negotiation Techniques Negotiation and the Media Multiple Scenario-Driven Practical Exercises --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Counterdrug Field Tactical Police OperationsObjective: Trains police officers in navigation, movement, planning, and conducting tactical operations in a rural environment.Prerequisites: Students must be sworn law enforcement officers having drug enforcement responsibilities.Course Topics: (47 hours) Map Reading Land Navigation, Day and Night Practical Exercises Global Positioning Systems (GPS) with Practical Exercises Operation/Contingency Planning Grid Search Techniques with Practical Exercises Vehicle Assaults Tactical Patrols and Recons Individual Camouflage Drug Raid (Rural environment) Practical Exercises --------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEA Clandestine Laboratory CourseObjective: Investigating Clandestine Laboratories with focus on raid planning, equipment, personnel, and safety procedures.Prerequisites: Students must be sworn law enforcement officers having drug enforcement responsibilities.Course Topics: (48 hours) Evidence Procedures Terminology, Chemical, and Equipment Raid Planning Disposal Safety --------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEA’s Drug Unit Commander Academy CourseObjective: Trains drug unit commanders in leadership of drug enforcement teams.Prerequisites: Students must be sworn law enforcement officers having drug enforcement responsibilities.Course Topics: (80 hours) Meth Lab Cases Mobile Enforcement Teams Confidential Source Management Clandestine Laboratory Operations Undercover Operations Return to Courses Available--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Criminal Intelligence Systems CourseObjective: Trains law enforcement personnel and select others in basic analytical methods required to maintain an automated criminal intelligence system using multi-jurisdictional narcotics scenarios.Prerequisites: Students must have drug enforcement duties and have a need for criminal intelligence systems training.Course Topics: (38 hours) The Criminal Intelligence Analyst’s Role The Analytical Process Sources of Information Event Flow Charting Commodity Flow Charting Activity Flow Charting Telephone Toll Analysis Case Analysis and Summary Military Support Operations Money Laundering --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Requesting CoursesRequests for schedules or other information may be obtained by contacting the Advanced Law Enforcement Training Division at (573) 596-0730 or e-mail for resident training must be on agency letterhead. Describe the training desired and ESTABLISH YOUR DRUG ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. Upon receipt of your request, we will contact you by telephone or letter to confirm your reservation. Requests may be faxed or mailed to:Advanced Law Enforcement Training DivisionBuilding 971 Parker Hall1401 Artillery CircleFt. Leonard Wood, MO 65473Phone: 573-596-0730Fax: 573-596-0747--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mobile Training Teams (MTTs)Some of the courses offered by the Advanced Law Enforcement Training Division are also offered as MTT’s. Our instructors travel to the sponsoring agency and present the training on a regional basis. Travel and lodging for the instructor and the course administrative costs are borne by the Military Police School, providing free training for the commuting student. Lodging and meals for students attending MTT courses are not provided by the Military Police School. All requests for MTT training should be sent to:Operation AllianceATTN: Military Support Group ChairmanP.O. Box 8051El Paso, TX 79908Phone: 915-724-3300Fax: 915-724-3327 For further details and information, please visit our web site at: RegardsCW2 Eugene MatthewsInstructor/WriterALETD, USAMPS(573) 596-0131 ext 62098 or 60730"How do you intend to spend eternity, smoking or non-smoking?"E-mail addresses: