Bump Keys are utilized by professional locksmith and government agencys to bypass all types of household, business & commerical locks in a matter of seconds, this includes high security locks such as Assa & Medeco. The bump keys are now showing up on the streets. Theses keys can be easily reconized as they are all cut to the same depth which in most cases means a 9 cut (999 Keys), in other words all cuts on theses keys will be deep and cut to the same depth. Utilizing the bumb key is easy, the key is placed ito the lock , drawn back one cut, lite tension is applied as you strike the end of the key with a brass, wooden hammer or block of wood. The lock opens and the purp does his/her thing. The door can then be relocked utilizing the same proceedure. If you see a suspect with keys who has a set of the aforementioned keys & he/she is not a certified locksmith, then said individual is in possession of burgular tools and you have more then likly to have a local B & E suspect. Stay Safe!!!