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Wis. girl donates birthday money to K-9

K-9 Ori is the only police dog with the Holmen Police Department

By Police1 Staff

HOLMEN, Wis. — When Emily Larson’s 10th birthday was approaching, she didn’t ask for presents. Instead, she wanted to help out her local police department.

She decided she “had enough toys because I get them every year,” and told her mother she wanted to donate her money to K-9 Ori, WXOW reported. Larson said she was motivated to donate to Ori because she loves animals and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up.

Larson’s $135 donation will help police buy food and equipment for Ori, who is the sole K-9 with the Holmen Police Department. Ori recently had surgery to remove cysts and is back on the job.

“I felt good and happy that I was helping my community and that I was helping the dogs,” Larson told the news station.

K-9 Officer Terry Kind said it’s nice to know their work isn’t going unnoticed.

“It shows that kids do appreciate the law enforcement where they live, and I not only see it, but other law enforcement officers will see it as well--that we are making a difference for the younger generation out here,” Kind said.

As a thank you, Holmen police gave Larson a framed photo of Ori and a card with the K-9’s paw print inside.