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Officials to Tour New York’s Federal Plaza for Street-Level Look at Security

by Michael Wilson, New York Times

The debate over bolstering security around Federal Plaza in Lower Manhattan moves from the conference room to the streets this morning, as city and federal agencies tour the blocks around Duane and Reade Streets, seeking to balance safety and accessibility.

The federal General Services Administration oversees the buildings at 26 Federal Plaza and 290 Broadway, and has wanted to improve security since as far back as 1993, when it was learned that Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman had wanted to blow up 26 Federal Plaza as part of a plot to destroy landmarks in the city.

Proposed changes run from reinforced planters in front of buildings to permanently closed-off streets.

While the G.S.A. favors tight security, the city has objected to blocking the downtown streets, fearing that would slow reaction to emergencies and increase traffic congestion.

Officials from the federal agency and representatives of city agencies led by the Department of Transportation will begin their tour today at Duane Street and West Broadway.

Federal financing, $5.4 million, is in place for the security project, which moved only slightly ahead this week. “Bollards are going up as we speak,” said Cassandra Henderson, spokeswoman for the G.S.A., referring to waist-high posts intended to block vehicles from streets or buildings.

The federal agency has raised the possibility of circumventing city permits and using eminent domain to go forward; it would require Justice Department approval.

City police, fire and transportation officials met with representatives of the G.S.A. and other federal agencies yesterday. Afterward, both sides said the meeting was “amicable.”