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Active Supervision Challenge

In this year-long series, Coach Paul Conor, Ph.D., challenges officers to improve their active supervision skills. Articles in this series will review the 10 skills of active supervision, help police supervisors create a plan for developing each of those skills, and discuss special considerations that apply to different situations.

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The active supervision skill of training involves seeking out training for yourself and teaching your followers everything that you expect them to do
Supervisory courage is the skill of dealing with situations and people that most human beings would consider to be challenging
Effective communication occurs when your intended audience members receive the same message that you sent them
Follow these steps to easily apply the 10 skills of active supervision
When you use the active supervision skill of scheduling, you take all the decisions you made regarding time management and add it to your calendaring system
To be an effective supervisor, you will need to become an expert at managing your time
The active supervision skill of inspiration helps you give your followers purpose and provide them with motivation to persevere under challenging circumstances
The active supervision skill of innovation involves using critical thinking and problem solving to come up with ways of doing things better
The active supervision skill of problem-solving involves a series of steps that forces you to go beyond the first solution that comes to mind
Critical thinking engages your brain to comprehend, assess, analyze and process information in a way that improves your decision-making
As a supervisor, your primary responsibility is to provide both prescriptive and corrective performance management. Here’s how to do that effectively.
Share your questions, comments and concerns about supervision challenges in law enforcement
To be an effective supervisor requires a different set of skills than being a police officer – here’s how to attain those skills