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4 ways police leaders can better communicate with the community

Building bridges — or rebuilding them — isn’t likely to happen if we wait for our citizenry to start the process, so we need to create a safe place for a conversation, and do that with skill and salesmanship

Many police chiefs think they are doing a good job with their community relations efforts when, in fact, they are not building bridges as effectively as they could in public meetings. They may suffer a disconnect between their message and its delivery.

Jim Zalud — an expert in communication, body language, and sales — told Police1, “A police officer is a salesman. You bring an agenda, and you need to build trust to sell it.”

Zalud offers his perspective on how police can improve community relations by addressing some observations on commonly overlooked opportunities for better relationships with the public.

1. Remember that attention is fleeting. You have four seconds to make a first impression and fourteen seconds to make a second impression and within four minutes the other person has formed their judgement. A sincere smile, open palms, and a positive voice will make a good impression.

2. Focus on agenda rather than self-image. Police are well-practiced at posturing for dominance. If a community meeting is for sharing concerns, the officer won’t compromise their authority by loosening up a little. Uncross your arms, stop resting your hand on your gun, and curb your habit of taking an interview stance. The goal is relationship — they already know you’re the police!

3. Pay attention to proxemics. Many community meetings are set up with the police behind a table at the front of the room with everyone facing them. Zalud recommends circular tables with no more than ten persons each with an officer at each table. Don’t appear to be “condescending to grant them an audience,” but joining them as a peer.

4. Find “cause to pause.” When conflict arises, take time to increase understanding of the reason for the conflict so you can address it. Resist the temptation for a quick, defensive response.

Building bridges — or rebuilding them — isn’t likely to happen if we wait for our citizenry to start the process, so we need to create a safe place for a conversation, and do that with skill and salesmanship.

Joel Shults retired as Chief of Police in Colorado. Over his 30-year career in uniformed law enforcement and criminal justice education, Joel served in a variety of roles: academy instructor, police chaplain, deputy coroner, investigator, community relations officer, college professor and police chief, among others. Shults earned his doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from the University of Missouri, with a graduate degree in Public Services Administration and a bachelor degree in Criminal Justice Administration from the University of Central Missouri. In addition to service with the U.S. Army military police and CID, Shults has done observational studies with over 50 police agencies across the country. He has served on a number of advisory and advocacy boards, including the Colorado POST curriculum committee, as a subject matter expert.