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Miami police chief fights to stop firing

City Manager Johnny Martinez appointed an interim chief


MIAMI — The police chief of Miami is fighting back one day after his suspension by suing to bar two city commissioners from voting on his termination, The Miami Herald is reporting.

Police Chief Miguel Exposito was suspended Tuesday by City Manager Johnny Tomas Martinez. The move came months after Exposito wrote federal officials alleging that Mayor Regalado attempted to meddle in a video-gaming raid, according to the Herald.

Exposito’s request for an injunction submitted in Miami-Dade Circuit Court on Tuesday seeks to bar city Commissioners Wilfredo Gort and Francis Suarez from taking part in a potential termination vote because they have expressed opinions on Exposito and would not be impartial, Exposito alleges in the legal action.

The commission has until Tuesday to decide if Martinez has cause to call for Exposito’s firing, according to the Herald. If the commission takes no action, Exposito is terminated, the news organization reports.

Earlier this year, Gort prepared a letter for a former city manager outlining reasons for Exposito’s suspension, the Herald reports. Suarez has previously “expressed bias” against Exposito in public comments, according to the Herald.

The news organization did not publish responses from the commission or individual members.

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