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Warren Wilson

Intel and Hardware

Warren Wilson is a captain, training commander and rangemaster with the Enid Police Department in Oklahoma. He is a former SWAT team leader, current firearms instructor and writer. He has been a full-time law enforcement officer since 1996.

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You can be sure your retired weapons wind up in the right hands
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Conducting training days, developing ops plans and letting team members fail are some key ways to develop essential law enforcement leadership traits
Current police training does little to ensure cops are prepared for such a unique and novel experience as being shot – this product aims to change that
A recent incident where a prisoner slipped her cuffs and shot an AR-15 from inside a cruiser is a critical reminder of some basic safety tactics for LEOs
Officers need to be trained to that level of response – and SWAT officers are the ideal training resource
High-tech simulators allow for the interleaving of skills while providing stress inoculation
There’s an old saying about easy times making soft people. That’s where we are right now and it all stems from our fear of challenge