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Calif. officer stabbed by teen during spree

Officer was stabbed multiple times while attempting to rescue the teen’s grandparents Monday

By Police1 Staff

SOLEDAD, Calif.An officer was stabbed by a teen while attempting to rescue the teen’s grandparents Monday.

According to KSBW, a 17-year-old stabbed Sgt. Thomas Marchese multiple times upon entering a home after responding to a call of a domestic incident.

Police found the suspect’s grandmother and grandfather lying in a pool of blood. The grandmother had suffered blunt force trauma to the head and the grandfather had been stabbed multiple times in the back.

Officer Marchese was stabbed in the upper torso and shoulder, according to the report.

Police deployed a TASER on the teen but it had no effect. Officers managed to wrestle the suspect to the ground, and he was arrested.

All three victims were transported to hospitals for treatment. The grandparents are both listed as in serious condition.

Police said Officer Marchese’s injuries do not appear to be life-threatening, the Monterey Herald reported.