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Emotional Wellbeing

Your input can help shape future coverage of holistic wellness resources for a healthier, more resilient police force
Understanding and staying ahead of wellness trends can help officers improve their health, resilience and overall performance
Does your PD have a gym but no policy that OKs on-duty workouts? Have you green-lit visits with counselors, but have nowhere for your officers to meet them privately?
Caring for families, reducing family stress and combining efforts with spouses who care for the officer at home can improve retention
Supervisors must help officers navigate through mental wellness by recognizing PTSD, normalizing self-care and reducing the stigma around asking for help
Check-ins ensure every department employee has a chance, at least once a year, to talk about any problems they might be experiencing
In the past two years, the number of police officers admitted for treatment at Harbor of Grace have more than tripled
A husband-and-wife team’s events are aimed at reducing providers’ stress, stigma and suicides
There are a variety of options at the federal, state and local level
The mission of the Ohio Department of Public Safety’s Office of First Responder Wellness is to encourage self-care and mental wellness for Ohio’s first responders
We need to be committed to exploring novel approaches and agency successes to boost officer well-being
Here’s what a therapist wants law enforcement officers to know about taking care of post-traumatic stress injury
Police agencies understand that officers have to care for both their minds and bodies
Police leaders must recognize the importance of a physically and mentally healthy workforce and address occupational stress among personnel
Your EIS can be a proactive tool to promote officer health and wellness, enhance transparency internally and externally, and help achieve agency goals
Witnessing despicable evil shatters an officer’s assumptions about how the world is supposed to work
Law enforcement training should incorporate building the resiliency of recruits to help develop the psychological and tactical armor to adjust and adapt to fluid situations
K-9s Jenny and Piper are the first two graduates of “Puppies Behind Bars,” a program that raises and trains service dogs for responders by inmates
It’s not just about eating right and exercise; the wellness team also focuses on the mind-body-soul connection
In this Q&A, we examine the opportunities peer support presents agencies, as well as best practices. There are pointers for existing teams and tips for setting one up from the ground level.
Law enforcement is dangerous, but there’s more we could be doing to take care of officers; here are some thoughts on wellness for the coming year
Axon Aid: Wellness aims to bridge the communication gap between law enforcement personnel and their loved ones
Below 100 is a risk management initiative that seeks to reduce law enforcement LODDs. What if we took a similar approach to wellness?
Personnel will often say they are “fine” even when they are clearly not; here’s how to recognize and address stress in public safety
Officers know that their work entails navigating and struggling with stress; here’s why personal wellness advocacy is important
Multitasking is a persistent myth that robs people of creativity and productivity, and causes mistakes – which is concerning for responders
Emotional intelligence is a key part of being a successful communicator
You must take care of yourself and your own well-being before you can be called upon to reliably take care of others
It’s important to find a focused habit that energizes you and returns you to yourself as whole and complete
When negative thoughts become habitual or are applied in the wrong context, they can be damaging
Police leaders must address why officers are not accessing internal resources to seek help
Law enforcement officers need to be proactive in self-care to ensure they are resilient in the midst of loss and trauma
Identifying the symptoms of stress in your life will help you to develop a personal resilience plan