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So, you want to become a police officer? Good news, you’ve come to the right place.

This Police1 special series breaks down everything prospective cops need to know – from finding the right agency and making it through the application process, to entering the police academy and ultimately starting your first day on the force.

We’ve also included information for officers looking to advance their careers into fields like investigations, SWAT and police leadership.

Having the foundation of a solid street officer with an excellent reputation, mixed in with specific training tailored for the role is key to success
After three years in the NFL, Dominique Williams returned to his dream: a career in criminal justice
YouTube creator Michelle Khare recently spent time with the San Diego Police Department’s SWAT team
Meet Lieutenant Jackie Pearson, a 26-year officer and resilience instructor at Fort Collins Police Services in Colorado
The report also broke rankings down into more granular categories
Meet Deputy Gregory Plett, a seven-year veteran of the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office in California
With family and friends looking on, each cadet was promoted to the rank of officer
Master Deputy Addy Perez is a five-year veteran of the Richland County Sheriff’s Department in South Carolina
Utilizing the strengths and expertise of volunteers for ultimate agency transparency
Over the years, officers have cultivated their own language, using phrases that only those in law enforcement would understand; check out our list to see if you’re current on your police jargon