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Mike Walker

Brass Tacks

Lt. Mike Walker is a 29-year veteran of local and federal law enforcement. He has served in a variety of assignments with a concentration in investigative work. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and is a graduate of the 247th Session of the FBI National Academy.

Navigating a career in law enforcement takes time, planning and reflection. Here’s how to do it
A need for stronger community relationships and greater transparency of operations has caused many local governments to engage with police oversight programs
Whether you are the school resource officer on campus or an off-campus responder, access to current information regarding a critical incident is essential
Knowing how we rate through the eyes of our communities is vital
While these terms sound similar, the outcomes are very different – here’s what you need to know
These commonsense strategies could help lessen tempers and reduce the risk of injury to officers and citizens
How to leverage nontraditional resources to assist law enforcement operations
A formal plan that allows officers to grow and develop new skill sets will pay back dividends to your officers, your agency and your community
A successful prosecution is the desired result of most criminal investigations – and that begins with an effective case summary
If SROs are expected to be our school’s first line of defense, we must provide these officers with the best specialized tactical training and equipment possible