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P1 Year in Review: Cops face challenges—it’s what they do

The coming year is a bit of a milestone for me. It marks my 20th year of having the honor to work with and for police professionals like you. As I look back, I’m reminded of how impressed I continue to be by your willingness to face even the most difficult challenges and your ability to overcome them.

When the going gets tough, you don’t stand paralyzed by uncertainty and risk. You evaluate. You strategize. You come together as a team, and you act. And when you meet obstacles, you don’t give up. You improvise, you adapt, and you overcome.

I’m inspired by that. Always have been…always will be.

It’s no secret that 2008 was a particularly challenging year. Budgets disintegrated, officers were laid off, academy classes were canceled, global security was tested, officers’ lives were risked...and officers’ lives were lost. It was a tough year.

But as I look ahead, I see good things for law enforcement.

I see stunning advancements in technology that stand to revolutionize crime fighting and increase officers’ levels of safety.

I see a group of talented and experienced Police1 columnists gearing up to bring you a year of outstanding articles that will help you stay safe and be more effective.

I see the Force Science Institute making tremendous strides in the pursuit of understanding and explaining the true dynamics of deadly force encounters and making sure that officers’ actions in these situations are fairly evaluated.

I see organizations like ILEETA growing stronger every year and maintaining their tireless focus on keeping law enforcement educators informed, inspired and on the cutting edge of training.

I see instructors like the Street Survival team staying focused on their mission of making sure you come home safely after every shift and ensuring that officers across the country have the opportunity to benefit from survival training, regardless of location.

I see groups like the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund and Concerns of Police Survivors helping the families of officers who gave the ultimate sacrifice and making sure that their memories never fade.

And most importantly, I see police officers doing their jobs, staying the course, and holding true to their oaths to serve and protect.

Sure, there will be challenges in the coming year. There always are. And maybe the challenges we face in 2009 will be really big ones—bigger than we’ve seen before.

But one thing remains certain: Cops face challenges. It’s what they do. They don’t shy away. They don’t fall back and wait for someone else to figure things out in the midst of crisis. No. They confidently stand up and take control. They lead courageously so others can follow safely. They see challenge as a golden opportunity to shine, not a cause to panic.

I’ve had the rare privilege to watch you work more closely than most ever will. I’ve had the chance to listen to you share your knowledge, wisdom and concerns. I’ve had the honor of finding out what cops are really made of, even in the worst situations imaginable, and I’m extraordinarily impressed.

I know how thick the thin blue line really is, so to the challenges of 2009, I say bring them on.

Scott Buhrmaster is Vice President of Training and Editorial for, which was awarded the “Quill & Badge Award” for Excellence in Journalism by the International Association of Police Unions. He is also the Publisher of Police Marksman magazine and has served as Contributing Editor for Law Officer magazine. He has been a member of the law enforcement training community since 1989, when he began work as Director of Research with Calibre Press, Inc., producers of The Street Survival Seminar.

Throughout his tenure at Calibre, Buhrmaster was involved with virtually every aspect of the company’s officer survival training efforts, from the planning, creation and marketing of the organization’s award-winning textbooks and videos to developing and securing training content for the Seminar. In 1995, he was named Director of the Calibre Press Street Survival Newsline®, an Internet-based officer survival training service he helped found. In less than five years, Newsline readership grew from 25 officers to more than 250,000 in 26 countries, making it one of the most popular training vehicles in law enforcement history. His efforts now focus on providing training and information to the nearly 400,000 officers worldwide who visit every month.

Prior to joining Police1, Buhrmaster, who also serves on the National Advisory Board of the Force Science Research Center and stands as an active member of the American Society for Law Enforcement Training and the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, was President of The Buhrmaster Consulting Group, an international consulting practice for the law enforcement training sector and the publishing industry. Scott may be reached at