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Poem: An Angel with a Badge

The documentary “Crisis Cops” that follows Officers Joe Smarro and Ernie Stevens prompted one viewer to put pen to paper


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Calling all police poets! Police1’s new column highlights some of the inspirational, moving and funny poems authored by our readers.

This poem is by Alissa Aronson, a former newspaper reporter who has since started writing poetry. “After I watched the documentary ‘Crisis Cops’ about Officers Joe Smarro and Ernie Stevens, I was so moved that I wrote this poem. I thought you may like to share it with others, in regard to police dealing with incidents regarding mental health calls and people who are in crisis with hurting themselves or others.”

Email your submissions for consideration to

An Angel with a Badge

And through the pain and the hurt some feel,
There comes a peace in the ones that help heal.

An angel with a badge,
A savior with such hope.
Your kindness for the broken-willed,
For ones who just can’t cope.

How did your heart become so big,
Filled with such grace.
It’s like an angel whispered to you,
“Please help out this human race.”

Your strength and bravery have earned your way,
Into the many lives, I’m sure.
I think the special inside your heart,
Some day may just be the cure.

More about “Crisis Cops”